Sunday, 13 March 2011

Spring is in the air!

Yesterday the temperature rose to a balmy +9 degrees. Which meant that it was wet, wet, wet! We have entered my least favourite season of all --- melty season! It's kind of a long, drawn-out winter/spring hybrid. Before we get to see green again, we have to watch all the snow disappear. And since the snow gods of February decided to bless the crap out of us this year... I think its going to be quite a while before we see any green grass.

Here's some fun photos my Mom took recently of my Dad's favourite past-time --- snow shovelling...

Crazy, huh?
And here's a photo of our newest purchase. It looks a lot worse now because we drove the dirty, slushy, melty highway yesterday. But underneath the mud we have a brand-new 2011 Toyota Sienna. We are officially, safely ensconced in a mini-van again... enjoying the "new car" smell before it gives way completely to the eclectic smell of family road trips.
Happy spring --- it looks so far away, but it always gets here eventually! :)