Monday, 22 October 2007

Halloween photos... a little early!

We were invited to the neighbour's birthday party on Saturday so we had fun dressing the boys up a little early for Halloween. Alex insisted on being a pumpkin again, so my little guys actually matched really well!

Alex loved the "pin the stem on the pumpkin" game and I was really proud of him... he felt his way along the wall until he found the pumpkin... pretty smart kid!

Alex thought the pinata was a blast! The kids took turns hitting it until the string broke and it fell to the floor...

Then they took turns stomping it!

Then we got home and after he showed his candy to Daddy and described in detail how they'd destroyed the pinata... he passed out on the couch.

Now he's eagerly awaiting Halloween night again. I'm not looking forward to rationing the candy, but it's a once a year thing that all kids should experience! :)

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

And now some more...

We've also been busy learning how to crawl and how to stand up!

9 months old...

Okay, this is the 5th time in the last 2 weeks that I've tried to post these photos on this page. Finally, it worked. I was about ready to call it quits. I had an appointment scheduled in PG for portraits of Connor at 9 months old, but I ended up cancelling it because the poor boy was so tired he fell asleep right before the appointment... we'd been to a birthday party early and had been unsuccessful at getting him to nap in between.

So, here's my attempt to do my own "photo shoot"... the backgrounds not that pretty, but the subject matter is!