Sunday, 23 September 2007

Well, I thought I'd give this video thing a whirl...

Connor crawled on Thursday --- 4 steps (if that's what they're called when you crawl). Of course, it happened when I was out with Alex. Cory didn't have the camera handy, so I just had to take his word for it. Yesterday we tormented the poor little guy by placing toys just far enough out of reach to compell him to crawl again. Nothing spectacular, but if this isn't exactly crawling, then I'm sure the real thing is just days away!

They (who is they, anyway?) say that the second child hits major milestones faster than the first because they're so busy trying to keep up with older siblings. This is definitely the case here. Alex crawled at 10.5 months. We thought he'd never get the hang of it, and yet... two weeks later he abandoned crawling for walking. Connor is 8.5 months and ready to motor. Although, I'm not sure why we're encouraging him... I remember seeing my house as far more hazardous once Alex wouldn't stay contained in one room! :)

Anyway, go Connor! Time to dig out the baby gates...

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