Saturday, 31 March 2018

Chemo Hair

So, despite the handout that clearly states that hair loss is "not common" with Folfox chemotherapy, I have experienced some.  If you know me, you know that I can totally afford to experience hair loss.  I have a ton of hair.  So, I'm okay with a little thinning.   However, the thinning made my hair very dry and coarse and tangled.  Every morning for the last two weeks I would comb my hair and tug a knot out where the loosened hair was clinging on to the rest of my hair for dear life.

So... I have cut it.

And yes, of course I regretted it immediately.  It's way too short for my liking.  But as per usual, when you get it cut they spray it down, make it nice and wet, and then two hours after the cut, when it's completely dry, it's shrunk another couple of inches.

I do like it when it's wet, so I guess that's something.

Anyway, best case scenario, I just got rid of the dead, straw-like hair that I've developed.  Worst case scenario, I'm easing my way into hair loss a little at a time.  If it continues to fall out over the next four months, at least it wont' be such a shock to the system, as I've transitioned myself to short hair.

Here's my before and after photos of my new chemo do.
 BEFORE my impulsive "solution" to my brittle hair.
And AFTER - feeling softer and looking a little healthier, but geez, what was I thinking?

It's hair.  It'll grow back.  And I still have lots!

On to round 4 this Wednesday.  


Unknown said...

I love the style Laura. It is always a shock to go short but you may just prefer it later. Always thinking about and you kids my friend!! Speedy recovery Laura!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I really like it!
