Alex is completely enthralled with "his baby". He constantly wants to hold him and kiss him on the head. He tries so hard to be gentle, but you know how it is with toddlers! Alex has already tried to teach him how to talk. Poor kid is in for a lengthy wait...
So far, the transition from "only child" to "big brother" has gone fabulously. Alex enjoys his role and takes it very seriously. Just yesterday I was tending to one of Connor's rather mucky diapers and Connor was crying heartily. Alex, from the living room, hollered, "Mama... what's the matter with my baby?" in a tone that indicated that I'd better solve the problem. Hee hee
Alex is very helpful. He fetches diapers and sleepers for me and tries to soothe Connor when he's upset, although Alex needs to work on his volume control as his "shushing" really isn't all the soothing. He has accepted our new addition into our family fully and we're very proud of how he is doing.