-this close- to banning all felt pens. And yes, I know, I'm the one that keeps supplying the kids with them, so I've only myself to blame. But here's why I don't...
A bit of a throwback to my own childhood, I suppose. I LOVED to draw and, if I can say so without sounding arrogant, I was really good at it. So I keep the art supplies around, and nag at Alex to put them away as soon as he's done. And so far, it's been a dismal failure (and no, Magic Eraser does NOT remove everything!). But if I chuck all the felt pens and crayons and other art supplies that my daughter seems so adept at finding, then my children will miss out on a really special activity.
Here's how Alex has spent his Saturday morning. I'm tickled! He's in Kindergarten, and maybe I'm biased, but I think this is amazing and perhaps some budding talent?

Yep, he's brilliant. I knew it.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... LOL... but I'll take that as you agree with my assessment! :)
He did a great job with the art and I loved how the scribbles became condiments. Brillant!
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