Anyway, despite the fact that we didn't vote for the Olympics, the economy is in the toilet, my colleagues are facing job loss, the homeless in Vancouver were paid to leave (to colder climates like here) so as not to be a public embarrassment, libraries are shut down to create places for VIP's to drink and socialize, BC's ban on smoking in public places is being ignored, schools are shut down and commuters are encouraged to plan their holiday time accordinginly, and taxes are going up 7% on July 1st... DESPITE all that... I thought it was important to take my children to see the Olympic Torch pass through our small town. What can I say? Anywhere else and we wholeheartedly embrace the spirit of the Olympics. Here, we whine and whinge as are hit with the sudden, shocking realization of what hosting an event of this magnitude means. So... today we put aside our whining and we did something that not everyone can say they've ever done. We went out to cheer on our country.
Last night I tried to explain the Olympics to our children:
Me: People come from countries all over the world to race against each other to win prizes. We're going to see a parade tomorrow where the Olympic torch is passed from person across Canada until it gets to Vancouver.
Alex: Why?
Me: Because that's how they start the Olympics. Then people will watch the sports and cheer on their country.
Alex: Well, Daddy's the only one that likes to watch sports, so why do we have to go see the torch?
Me: Umm... well, because you might not get a chance to ever see it again. It doesn't come to Canada very often.
Alex: When was the last time it was here?
Me: When I was 11.
Alex: WOW! That was a long, long, long, long time ago!
Thanks kid!

The convoy of trucks accompanying the flame.

Okay, that family's pretty cool! We just waved our free Coca-Cola flags.

Heading off down the highway to Fraser Lake. Psst... wanna know a secret??? They only run to the edge of town and then they drive to the next city. I didn't think it was possible to run across Canada in 4 months. I guess Canada is a lot bigger than Greece! :)
And just so you can experience what we did, here's a couple of videos I shot. I'm sorry that they're so short, but I wanted to toggle between video and photograph. Can't scrapbook a video! :)
Let the games begin!
That's right, we could fit many many Greece(s) into Canada and still have room. Here's another secret, they will fly to the north, then fly down south. Otherwise they'll never get it to Vancouver on time. You can a great view, that's wonderful. And according to my nephew hockey is the only sport in the Olympics...oh and freestyle skiing. ;) Fun blog to read.
ps: you should have applied, you are allowed to walk or run, go by wheelchair or however you need, to get from one leg to the next...which allows for all types to participate and that part, I think is terrific. :)
Bev, I didn't know that! I thought it was still just a sprinting relay. That's good to know that its all-inclusive now. That woman that walked made one heck of a memory for herself! Perhaps that's why the cut a chunk out of the parade... for time? They probably have a tight schedule and wanted it to go faster. Sucks to be the people that stood on the side streets though, that the torch bypassed. I hope they raise some complaints. I would be so disappointed.
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