Monday 23 July 2007

New photos...

So, here's a bit more of an update for our friends (whoever's still following my neglected blog at this point)... on July 1st Connor turned 6 months old. We're still dappling with solids so here's his first introduction. He quite enjoyed the cereal that I mixed for him. I fed him and Cory snapped photos.

Oops... I either over-fed him or under-fed him, but suddenly he was furious that I took the spoon away and ended the meal. Huh...

In June we attended his cousin Tyler's wedding reception. It was fun, we drove to William's Lake for the day, his brother Matt and girlfriend Janis, drove in from Calgary (10.5 hours!) and his other brother joined us from Kamloops, so Cory's whole family was together for at short while. Matt's holding Connor and Mark is holding his son, Brandon. Alex didn't want to be in the picture... he was too busy dancing up a storm on the dance floor.

My little guy sits up now... he's getting really good at it. I usually put a pillow behind him though, to catch him when he falls... this time I'm just out of the frame... ready to catch him.

Happy Canada Day! and Happy 1/2 birthday Connor! We went for dinner to Cory's parents' house and she nicely made a cake to commemorate both occasions!

Splashing in the kiddie pool...

Not sure what to make of the jolly jumper... I think Alex enjoys it more than Connor.... umm... "No Alex, it's not a swing... please stop pushing him!"

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