Either way, I accomplished something pretty freakin' crazy... again!
Man I love November!!!
Now seriously, I have 3 unfinished, unpolished drafts... who's going to get on my case and harass me into bringing at least one of them up to publishing potential before I go stupid next November again (and I will, no doubt in my mind)?
And who around here actually likes proof-reading... cause have I got a doozy of a job for you! :)
"My Grandfather's Clock"
180 pages
50,022 words
November 2011
Send it over! I'll read it!
....gee, I wonder who likes proof reading? ha ha. I definitely think you need to finish this book. Does Nanowrimo help with publishing or is it simply an annual challenge?
Nope... it's basically an annual challenge. It's to help people shirk their 'inner editor' and just develop a habit of writing every day, getting that first draft on paper whether it's good or crap. But there is an unofficiall off-shoot called JanNoEdMo (January Novel Editing Month) that some people do to get back into the swing of things. I tried last year but quit by the 3rd. Maybe this time I'll be more committed. :)
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