Saturday, 20 October 2018

Fighting again

So... after three weeks of uncertainty, I am officially fighting again.  Started chemo, plan B this week.  And I am exhausted!  Which is hopeful because it feels like my body is again doing something.

Last round of chemo was Folfox (flourouracil, leukovorin, and oxiliplatin).  It was considered "curative."   Needless to say, it failed me.   This round of chemo is GIFFIRB (Flourouracil - or 5FU cause that's funnier - Leukovorin, Irinotecan, and Bevacuzamib - or Avastin) and is considered Palliative.  The intention is not to cure, as this is considered incurable at that point, but to slow the growth of the new tumours and keep me comfortable for as long as my body will tolerate it.  And since you all know how stubborn I can be... ;)

A bit of  downer, yes.  But no one has given me an expiry date and I have way to much on my plate to not assume that I'm going to be round for a few years yet, so here's to cocktail #2 being more successful than cocktail #1.  If the fatigue I felt yesterday after disconnect is any sign, my body is going to fight this on overtime!

5FUs to you, cancer! 

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