Friday 4 September 2009

Day 29

Well... almost done... tomorrow's day 30, my goal. I don't usually stick with things, so this is actually a huge accomplishment in itself, whether or not I see any improvement in my body. So, it's been officially 4 weeks since my first "weigh-in/BMI calculation thingy".

From day 1 to now, I am down 1.1 pounds. Umm, yay? Unless something drastic happens between now and tomorrow night, I'm going to call my 30 day experiment on the Wii Fit and very lackluster way to lose weight. I could lose weight faster by shaving my head! Although, having said that... it is 1.1 pounds that I couldn't lose a month ago.

Anyway, no final opinions until tomorrow night, right? Although it's Friday... which means everyone at the office will want to go out for lunch and I'll probably meet my parents for dinner... UGH. Maybe I should get up extra early and do the final weigh in before breakfast! ;)

So... tonight was fun, again! I might have figured out how to mix it up enough to really get a good workout.

  • Advanced Step
  • Advanced Step
  • The rest of the yoga poses alternating with the rest of the strength training that I didn't do yesterday
  • Advanced Step
  • Finishing off with the soccer ball game as a reward for my hard work.

I EVEN did 6 push ups and side thingys, whatever they're called. Well, I didn't do real push-ups, I put my knees on the ground and did them that way, but it's more than I've done all month. And the silly thing is, the board only measures the weight on your hands, so the darn thing ranked me as a "body builder" and gave me 100% on them. That's a joke! And Andrew said "Wow, you have amazing core strength" to which I replied, "Nope, I'm just an amazing cheater", but I don't think he heard me.

40 years old tonight. The later I do my workout, the worse my balance is. Go figure! :)

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