Monday 14 April 2014

An Acrostic Poem

The Road Trip

Racing the clock in the morning,
Organizing them to get out the gate,
Actively bribing and warning,
Don't turn on the t.v., we'll be late!

The highway, it stretches ahead,
Rocky and dusty, but dry and bare,
I reach back, hand out snacks, keep them fed,
Pass back toys, trade books, make them share.

When will we get there? It's cacophony,
I'm bored. How much further? Not much more!
That one's thirsty; That one's hungry; She's looking at me!
Have to go to pee! ... but I didn't have to before!

Feet down, keep them off of my stuff!
Or, mister, you can get out and walk!
Unfortunately, he sees through my bluff,
Really? I can? Nah, Mom's all talk.

Keep quiet, the baby just started to nap,
I feel sick, hurry, pass me the bucket!
Didn't make it, oops, I threw up in my lap.
So... road trip next weekend? Nah, F---orget it!

-Laura Freeman-

April 14, 2014

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