Friday 4 April 2014


Okay, this one's a stretch.  But it was a rough evening.  Brooklynn climbed the change table and fell off of it. When I picked her up she vomited all over both of us and then she proceeded to cry in my arms until she fell asleep. I only just put her to bed an hour ago, not wanting to leave her alone in her crib.  She's seems fine, no sign of bumps or bruises but I didn't want to take the chance so we snuggled for two hours.  She's such a tough little dare devil.  But she's also her own worst enemy because she has no clue what the consequences could be of her climbing addiction. Most of the time I catch her in the act before she gets hurt, but this time I didn't. 

Anyway, here's the "inspiration" for my late night writing stint.
Grasping furniture, she climbs with drive,
Relentless in her quest to reach new heights.
At the summit, she waits 'til I arrive,
Very often, to my heart-stopping fright.
I, helpless, do not get there quite on time,
To rescue her from the possibility.
Yes, my baby learned what happens when she climbs...
The awful truth about the law of  gravity.
-Laura Freeman-
April 3, 2014


Unknown said...

Sounds familiar. I'm sure she's more recovered than you.

Unknown said...

Sounds familiar. She's probably already recovered.