Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Hurricane

This poem follows the Terza Rima format because... well, because I like rhyming poems, what can I say?

Terza rima is poetry written in three-line stanzas (or “tercets”) linked by end-rhymes patterned aba, bcb, cdc, ded, efe, etc. There is no specified number of stanzas in the form, but poems written in terza rima usually end with a single line or a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the last tercet.  Dante Alighieri was the first poet to use terza rima, in his Divine Comedy"

The Hurricane

She leaves destruction in her joyous wake,
Spins past them, tossing aside their treasure,
Showing no mercy, nor reprieve, nor break.

Debris cast away with random pleasure,
Chaos reigns in the quaking domicile,
At her will, the damage goes unmeasured.

Once again, they begin a task, futile,
Of cleaning up the gleeful destruction,
Wreaked by a toddler full of cheerful guile,
They've lovingly dubbed, “Hurricane Brooklynn!”

-Laura Freeman-
April 2, 2014

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