Tuesday 1 April 2014

NaPoWriMo anyone?

It's April again.  Which means its National Poetry Writing Month again!  To be honest, I am not sure that my heart is in it this month.  I'm so overwhelmingly busy with work and kids and too many pots in the fire.  But, I want to give it a whirl because I enjoy this and reading back over last year's poetic output, there are actually some gems in there among the rubble.

So, on this, Day 1 of NaPoWriMo, feeling uninspired, I turned to the daily prompt at http://www.napowrimo.net which in turn directed me to a wacky website called the Bibliomancy Oracle which generates random quotes  from literature (unless you actually fall for crap like that, then of course the quotes are divinely inspired.)

My randomly generated quote (okay, it was the fifth time I refreshed the page, the other four quotes were stupid), and the inspiration for today's poem, was:

Something above is showing great indifference.

Something will happen eventually.
From “A Story Meant to Teach” by Lizzie Lee Lenson

My poem is a bit dark, I'll admit, but it's been a crazy two weeks.  My children have been suffering from a nasty virus that apparently is wiping the floor with all sorts of Vanderhoof folk.  Alex has come through the other side a little paler and possibly a little thinner, but otherwise unscathed.  The other three are still in the throes of it, but I am hopeful that we can salvage a little bit of their spring break soon.  Anyway, here's what I am titling: "Ode to the virus that's been kicking my children's butts..." for now.  Should I ever compile an anthology for publication, I'll probably revise it! :)

The gods of pestilence,
Have cast their grievous blow,
Showing great indifference,
To the fateful few below.

A plague, in torrential rain,
Falls down upon their heads,
With despair, inflicting pain,
The infestation spreads.

The weak, downtrodden masses fall,
Succumbing to the plight,
Struck down, the young and small,
In seeming endless night.

Ever slow, the illness wanes,
It lifts then falls again in place,
The elusive end to the torrential rains,
Comes at an agonizing pace.

The weary few, in chorus sing,
Hope comes tentatively,
knowing in their hearts, something,
Will happen eventually.

Laura Freeman

- April 1, 2014 -  

Anyway, that's one down, 29 to go!  Enjoy reading them and I'll see you on the other side of April!  

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