Sunday 21 April 2013

#21 - A Limerick Quartet

My hat's off to Mother Goose, these are harder to write than I anticipated.  The still need work, but since the babe's awake, it's time to shut off the computer.  Enjoy today's offering....

Alex enjoys playing games with his siblings,
He's helpful when they need entertaining,
He's quick with the puns,
Talented with crayons,
But his lack of sportmanship remains challenging.

Connor is impulsive and daring,
But mostly he's just sweet and caring,
He'll draw pictures you ask,
And help out with most tasks,
But he sometimes lacks skills in sharing.

Kirstin loves everything that's princessy,
She likes to wear clothes that are dressy,
She dances and twirls,
And sings as she whirls,
Despite the fact that her castle is messy.
Brooklynn, the baby's, one dear little child,
She likes watching her siblings go wild,
She shrieks and she wiggles,
And occasionally giggles,
Getting herself quite adorably riled.
- Laura Freeman -
April 21, 2013

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