Tuesday 18 August 2009

Day 13...

Ugh... feels like I've been doing this forever, yet I haven't even hit the two week mark. I think I'd do better with a morning workout, but I don't have the desire to set my alarm an hour earlier. Plus, I'd likely just wake up my kids in the process and I wouldn't be able to work out, anyway. (Ever try to run on a treadmill with your two year old hopping on and "wheeeeee-ing" his way down to the end? I have to do some fancy footwork to avoid tripping on him and careening off the end, myself).

Tonight, a very simple routine:
  • Free Run (cool, you can set it for 10, 20, or 30 minutes and then change the channel and watch tv while the Wii records your progress)
  • Advanced Step Class
  • Advanced Boxing
  • Advanced Step Class (hey, I'm getting good at it and it's pretty fun)
  • Advanced Hula Hoop

To reward myself, I tried out the penguin balance game and then played 20 minutes of Dr. Robotnik.

I've started to be a lot smoother with the remote, but I still think that the biggest issue with the Wii Fit is how disjointed my workout is. Between activities, stopping and starting to point the remote at the screen makes for a jerky transition. I try running in place while switching between screens to keep my heart rate up, but that only makes my hand/eye coordination that much less accurate. Nintendo's pretty clever, they should be able to come up with a way to program your workouts so that it flows smoothly between activities.

In all, though, this has been a great birthday present so far.

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