Monday 17 August 2009

Wii Fit - Day 12

I was really discouraged by the mess in the basement... not necessarily because there were toys everywhere (as I'm pretty much used to coming home to that), but because there was no room on the floor to put my balance board. You'd think in the middle of creating their chaos, my children would think, "Oh wait, we need to leave a space in the middle clear of stuff so that Mama can do her workout tonight without having to tidy first". So... I almost didn't. But then I thought, "screw it" and I pushed everything off to the edges, leaving my free space without cleaning up after my sloppy family. I might have to try that upstairs, too... push all the junk to the edges and enjoy some clear floor space! :)

My second though was "oh, there's no room on the floor to do strength training, so I should stick to cardio"... but I didn't do that either. I stacked a couple of chairs on the coffee table, piled a couple of laundry baskets on the couch, kicked some peanuts under the tv, tossed some toys in the corner... (hmm... wonder what our weekend project should be?)

And so, despite all attempts of my family to sabotage my efforts, I did the workout. I started out with yoga poses, intending to do a few and then switch to some strength training, but I ended up going through the entire set. 15 yoga poses! Some done much sloppier than others, for example the hellish shoulder stand, which obviously wasn't designed by someone still sporting the remains of 3 extra large baby bellies. I rewarded myself by playing the soccer balance game, and actually managed to set a record... 58 points! I'm not sure how they score that, because I certainly didn't hit 58 soccer balls, but hey, I'll take what I can get! :)

So... down .4 pounds from yesterday, a comfortable Wii age of 31... and craving ice cream like crazy!!! Off to brush my teeth to combat the desire to indulge my craving before bed!

1 comment:

__ Eric Martin said...

They do a shoulder stand in the yoga?!?! That is a pretty advanced pose that should only be done with an instructor's guidance, I think. Scary...