Friday 28 August 2009

Day 23

Another night of uninspired lack of motivation... but I dragged myself downstairs to do my body test and workout anyway. I stuck to the yoga. I did every pose (except the shoulder stand) and racked up my 30 minutes in fit credits. I was going to do the strength training, but I am just tired tonight and don't want to. Of course, after supper I took all three kids grocery shopping on my own, that must count for some sort of workout?

I was pretty unbalanced, too, so I scored a hefty 41 wii years old, and was down .5 pounds.

I think that, if I continue this nightly ritual beyond my thirty days, I am only going to do the balance test once a week. Seeing the weight go up and down every day is frustrating and not a real assessment anyway.

On another note: Lots of smoke in town today. Apparently we have two forest fires blazing quite close to us. Talk on the town, at lunch, was a fire on Sinkut Mountain and one at Baldy Hughes (I camped there as a Girl Guide). Some speculate the smoke is around Quesnel, others think it's from the huge fire that has the residents of Clinton evacuating. C'mon rain... give us your best!

Also, at Isle Pierre, the police are combing a property. Apparently they have a lead on Nicole Hoar (missing since 2002) and are looking for her remains. I hope they are successful, not because I want to know that she was murdered, but because her family, as well as other families of the victims of the Highway of Tears serial killer, need some closure. I can't imagine what they have gone through, not knowing.

Anyway, on that downer... I'm retiring for the night. I hope to have more energy and more enthusiasm tomorrow. It is Saturday, after all! :)

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